About 230 articles related to "Institute of Directors"

Million Dollar Bonuses: RBS Stephen Hester and Global Income Inequalities

How much money did each of us make in 2011? The chances are, no matter how much each of thought we made, it would have been peanuts compared to the big bucks that CEOs, Presidents of the Board and company Directors would have pocketed! Then consider the fact that median annual wages in the U.S. fell (for 2010) to $26, 364 (the lowest since 1999) and average wages in the UK (for 2011) were £25,900 (a miniscule ...

Afghanistan, State at a Crossroads

Just over 38 years ago, on 17 July 1973, King Zahir Shah of Afghanistan was overthrown in a coup d'état whilst undergoing medical treatment in Italy, by his Prime Minister and cousin, Mohammed Daoud Khan. Anyone can be forgiven for missing the 38th anniversary of the First Republic celebrations in Kabul as there don't appear to have been any.
